master your layers, textures and tulle from conception to edit….
Ana will be live with a newborn to show you how she works with her textures and layers.
Students will participate via Zoom a link will be send that morning.
It is recorded.
Free for Platinum members - all other members use your discount.
master your layers, textures and tulle from conception to edit….
Ana will be live with a newborn to show you how she works with her textures and layers.
Students will participate via Zoom a link will be send that morning.
It is recorded.
Free for Platinum members - all other members use your discount.
master your layers, textures and tulle from conception to edit….
Ana will be live with a newborn to show you how she works with her textures and layers.
Students will participate via Zoom a link will be send that morning.
It is recorded.
Free for Platinum members - all other members use your discount.