I always love coming to Ana Brandt Workshops. There is always something new to learn. Her ability to teach and inspire always renews my desires to continue on my journey as a photographer. The world of photography can be difficult and full of obstacles. Ana always simplifies everything and makes learning easy and fun! Her tips have made a world of difference in my business. I went from being in the red to making profit just by applying some simple marketing techniques and keeping the wrap tight!!! (with the right angles!!) . So much fun!! I couldn't ask for more! Thank you #AnaBrandt!
—Photography by Lizette-photographybylizette.info
The first time I met Ana, I was so nervous. I walked into her studio not knowing what to expect. She had been someone who I had looked up to for such a long time that I was bit star-struck. I remember calling her the "Angelina Jolie" of photography. Since then, I have been to her studio four times. I found I was nervous for no reason. She instantly takes in interest in who you are, your passions and goals in life and what you want to learn. She find ways of connecting with you that you feel so comfortable to learn and have fun. I have four more days signed up and now I feel like I'm visiting a friend. Each time I learn something new and perfect my career. The information I learned and by shooting with Ana has seriously changed the way I work from before I get started with my photo shoot, to the actual photographing, and finally editing and selling. You don't just learn workflow, you get such helpful information on how to be overall successful. Oh, I can't forget to mention that this woman is funny!! We worked so hard and learned so much, all the while laughing and having a great time.
— Emma Alexander Photographer-www.emmaalexstudio.com
Absolutely fantastic, insightful, hands on and valuable investment. It was my second workshop with Ana and I learnt tons of new things, was able to practice her "signature" angles and had so much fun & laughter with fellow photographers! One of the key highlights that stuck with me is that "Life is not a competition. There is a room for every business". So inspiring to keep going on and not be intimated by tenured IPS Photographers in the same area. Highly recommended for experienced photographers as well as newbees! There is smth for all of ya! What's next? Planning to level up with Ana's 1:1 mentoring and maybe leadership class. Thanks much, Ana! #shiplove
— Kate Rezanko-
Prajs- https://www.katekatephotography.com/
I really loved trained Ana and I wish I would of done this sooner. When I first started, I wasn't sure I would last as a newborn photographer so I gave my self a dead line- If I made it past 2 years, on my third year, I wanted to train with the worlds best newborn photographer, Ana Brandt, and I DID. Such an amazing experience and it's so inspiring being in her studio. She is a wonderful teacher and very hands on. She works with you. It's so amazing to watch because we had a large class of many different personalities and we all left so happy, recharged and inspired. ( it was a long day, we might look tired but trust me, we were all so HAPPY) Absolutely amazing training with Ana and I definitely will being do more classes with her.
— Saechao - www.tinytoesandpaws.com
Ana was great! She's an open book. She brings forth so much energy even when the rest of us all looked spent from a long day of learning. I don't know where she gets her energy from, but she's amazing! Thanks Ana for all the many little epiphanies through out that jam packed day!
— Kerry Goddard - kerrygoddardphotography.com
I wanted to just send a big thank you! When I started in February 2017, I had no idea what I was doing other than I wanted to do this. After attending your workshops and constantly seeing your motivation to push and don’t let anything basically stop you from doing what you love right... it help me and it’s helping me continue to grow and love more what I already do. As the year is coming to a end soon... I am so happy to tell you I am soooo close $30k away from closing the year at $100k. I seriously couldn’t have done this without your business and photography knowledge help! You rock in every level and I can’t wait to continue growing and learning ❤️🥰
— Esther
I absolutely loved the baby clinic! Ana is super down to earth and loves giving you suggestions on poses, angles, lighting, etc., and she always strives to make your work perfect just like hers! She taught us SO MUCH!! Best investment I’ve made for my photography business! Xoxo
— Mariana Lombard Photography - www.marianalombard.com
Grateful isn’t even the word for it, beyond grateful that you travel all over teaching people your magic! Thank you Ana Brandt
— Jennie Aroyo
It was soo wonderful meeting you Ana I have been following you for years now and I am just incredibly thankful that my husband purchased this for me for my birthday and I got to meet and learn from someone that has inspired me for years ❤️ I learned so much! Daniela your studio is just Gorgeous! Thank you for hosting ❤️ One of my favorite from the workshop baby Eeyore
— Geanine Nasta