This program is a four day intensive and it is unlike any program Ana has taught.
It is designed for intense training in shooting, direction, editing and perfecting your light and posing.
It is designed for those who need a solid newborn workflow and who need to be able to streamline, manage and take control of their sessions.
After the four days we know that you will have a solid handle on newborn workflow, family posing, child posing, solid lighting techniques and an overall direction for leading your newborn business.
If you are tired of guessing your workflow, fumbling thru your sessions or losing control on your schedule of sessions and directions this is the Intensive for you!
Designed for all levels of Photographers!
Baby Academy
Testimonials About Academy
What didn't I learn at the academy?! Prior to the academy I wasn't confident in any parts of newborn photography hence why I hadn't started my business. After going through the academy I feel confident and ready to market myself and my business to be successful! It's not just the photography side that you will learn and in fact, I think I learned more about the business side which was much needed. Ana will push you out of your comfort zone but it will only make you better. If you are thinking and wondering if it's worth it...IT IS.
Melissa Sampson
I loved the bond our group had with each other. I felt that we were a team and that Ana and everyone there was rooting for each other to get far. It was a group of people who wanted pretty much the same things in life and we all were learning and working together in a team.
I have been following a lot of photographers and I have never seen anyone give new photographers an opportunity of 4 intensive days to learn. The one day workshops are nothing compared to this experience. I have done several of those and they were no where near as helpful as the Academy. If anyone can do anything to learn, it should be this Academy because it is everything you need to learn to shoot, edit, deliver, and approach your business successfully.
Lucy Bimamand
I learned so much those days, that turned my world upside down. After 4 days spent with Florida Baby Academy with Ana Brandt I can proudly say I know a lot more and Ana is the most sweet, reliable, amazing person I’ve met. She will go beyond to teach and to explain everything you need to know to succeed. Ana Brandt, there are not enough words for me to thank you for giving us real YOU at the Academy, for sharing our feelings, emotions, knowledge and experience. After Academy my work is better, I’m confident in myself and in years I will proudly say: I sat with Ana and she is the reason why am I today successful. Thank you , Ana.
Kristinka Fainstein
What I loved most is Ana's honesty. She was an open book. Ana didn't hold back any information or misrepresent herself in any way. She took time to make sure everyone had their questions thoroughly answered. Also, Ana truly cares about her students and this touched me beyond words. Its obvious Ana wants her students to succeed which isn't something I've felt before. I am so energized after the academy!
Nicole Wilson
I been following Ana's work for the past 4 years, in fact, I discovered newborn photography becouse of her. After working with babies for the past 14 years I took the chance and the challenge to work with newborn babies 3 years ago... Always dreamed about meeting Ana and learn directly form her but I live in Uruguay, and all the workshops were too far away form my country. This March, I finally had the chance to attend a workshop, I had to travel to Miami to do it, but it was so worth it! My work jumped into a whole new style and my clients are loving it. After 3 years of experience,once I get there, I seems to me that I was just starting again, her experience and magic are now in my work and my heart.
Van Dyck Digital
I thought the academy would simply focus On the shoot. I loved that the training covered all aspects of the newborn portrait service. The training covered customer acquisition, customer service, marketing and much more. I had high expectations when I signed up for the academy. The training and knowledge provided exceeded my expectations by far. The entire program is a grand experience and the confidence I gained is priceless. Thank you to Ana Brandt and company. I had the best experience ever!
Taylor Gore