Special Filming Workshop For all levels.
Want to work hands on with Ana for a special film/ book project.
Limited to 6 people per day.
Ana will be filming newborns and working on a new photographers book with newborns and AI due out late Spring.
Two newborns 3 dates available.
This is a hands on workshop in which you can wrap, help pose and shoot.
You will leave with tons of images and learn new techniques.
The filming is edited to just demonstrate handling and training of babies.
work with babies from 9-3 with a break for lunch.
3-5 editing/ AI
Want to work hands on with Ana for a special film/ book project.
Limited to 6 people per day.
Ana will be filming newborns and working on a new photographers book with newborns and AI due out late Spring.
Two newborns 3 dates available.
This is a hands on workshop in which you can wrap, help pose and shoot.
You will leave with tons of images and learn new techniques.
The filming is edited to just demonstrate handling and training of babies.
work with babies from 9-3 with a break for lunch.
3-5 editing/ AI
Want to work hands on with Ana for a special film/ book project.
Limited to 6 people per day.
Ana will be filming newborns and working on a new photographers book with newborns and AI due out late Spring.
Two newborns 3 dates available.
This is a hands on workshop in which you can wrap, help pose and shoot.
You will leave with tons of images and learn new techniques.
The filming is edited to just demonstrate handling and training of babies.
work with babies from 9-3 with a break for lunch.
3-5 editing/ AI